Frequently Asked Questions

Where is ELC located?

On the corner of Old Cutler Rd and SW 144 Street.

How many children per class?

There is a maximum of 10 children per classroom.

What is the admission timeline?

Completed applications are due February 1, and families are notified of the admissions decision by March 1. Students whose applications are received after the deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis as space allows.

Is there a uniform for school?

Yes, each child must wear a St. Andrew's polo shirt.

Do you serve breakfast or lunch?

Children must bring their meals, drinks, and snacks that do not require additional refrigeration or heating.

What are the health requirements for my child to attend school?

All children must have updated immunizations (Blue and Yellow Forms). Children shall not attend school if they have a fever or illness symptoms.

Does ELC offer classes for special needs children?

No, currently we are not licensed for children with
special needs.